Moment poetic

My shadowAccompanies me home;The moonlit night. Having nothing at all;But this peace of mind,This coolness. Spirit circleJourneys from thing to thingPass-me-not. Saturday rainThe desire to buy somethingExtravagant haiku-urile sint cele mai frumoase poezii

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Rest Energy

Marina Abramovic: “Standing across from one another in slated position. Looking each other in the eye. I hold a bow and Ulay holds the string with the arrow pointing directly to my heart. Microphones attached to both hearts recording the increasing number of heart beats.” I found on youtube one of her very controversial body…

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I’m back

La Paris am constatat ce bine e sa faci poze cu un aparat mic, pe care sa-l ai la indemina tot timpul. Mi-ar placea sa am si un Polaroid vechi, instant. De la Tudor am primit un articol fain despre Leica – “the candid camera”. O bucatica de text: “the photographer [Alfred Eisenstaedt, from Life magazine] was…

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3 fresh media ideas from Singapore

Prima – oglinzi paralele in lifturi, indoor pentru un nou model de imprimanta photosmart HP A doua – autobuze iluminate nocturn, la aniversarea a 75 de ani de la lansarea berii Tiger A treia – iar autobuze – transformate in “mobile jukeboxes” la lansarea noului telefon Nokia 5300 XpressMusic; in interiorul amenajat ca un bar…

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I’m left handed

Interesting article about left-handed people: “It’s not easy being a lefty. Statistics show left-handed people are more likely to be schizophrenic, alcoholic, delinquent, dyslexic, and have Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, as well as mental disabilities. They’re also more likely to die young and get into accidents. So if evolutionary theory dictates survival of the…

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