Anthony Goicolea

Bottom line: “Anthony Goicolea’s photographs depict a fantastic world created by the artist”. Photomanipulation. Mi se pare interesant faptul ca el apare in toate fotografiile, in diverse ipostaze – la inceput mi s-au parut cam gay, dar a fost doar prima impresie. La a doua impresie – un amalgam de obsesii, vise si trairi ale tinarului artist transpuse intr-o lume proprie, mistica, inaccesibila altora. Magna cum laudae for the young and restless Mr. Goicolea.
“Morning Sleep” – several boys (de fapt unul singur) dormind linga un foc de tabara. Explicatia lui Goicolea: “This recounts the tale of a young boy’s obsession and paranoia of being kidnapped”.

“Window washer” – no comment :))

“Porn” – boys doing stuff while watching porn – nu par sa fie tulburati in vreun fel, face parte din rutina zilnica

“Pool Pushers” – another scary repetition – corpuri plutind si fetze fara nici o expresie. Ce s-a intimplat aici de fapt?

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