Heidies’ 15 MB of Fame

Diesel’s Big Brother in Sweeden – two models, Heidi 1 and Heidi 2 (aka The HeiDIES :D), had stolen the new Diesel Intimate collection, kidnapped a guy and then locked themselves in a hotel room for five days.Heidies’s myspace page including some footage here.

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Tate Museum campaign: painting + music = love

Am gasit descrierea campaniei pentru Tate Museum – pentru cine nu stie inca despre ce e vorba. Art inspires art, painting inspires music, Epstein inspires Chemical Brothers.. so on and so forth. Insight speculat la fix, si eu am avut o vreme cind le puneam pozelor mele titlurile unor melodii care-mi ramasesera in cap.

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Puma “Travel Light” campaign

Puma a gasit un mod foarte original de a-si promova noua colectie ‘light weight’, Travel Golf Collection: a agatat articolele sportive din colectie de baloane cu heliu, pe care le-a postat in citeva locuri cheie pentru amatorii de shopping, iar trecatorii puteau sa le ‘culeaga’ gratis. Bine-nteles, campania a vrut sa scoata in evidenta cit…

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Advertising on mobile phones

Recent survey in the US on mobile phone ads found that 90% of respondents were “not at all interested” in receiving ads on mobile phones; on the other hand, more than three-quarters (78%) said a cash incentive would get them to change their minds (big lol here). When given other options short of cold, hard…

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