Smarter widgets

Un articol super interesant pe Ad Age despre cum si cit de repede evolueaza widgeturile (’blog bling’-uri cum le mai zic ei, acele mici chestiute pe care ti le pui pe pagina de web ca sa ti-o personalizezi – de ex. flickr-ul din stinga e un widget, pentru cine nu stie inca).

Deci iata incotro se indreapta widgeturile: “Another expected development: contextually aware widgets, which can post content or make suggestions based on user behavior online. Two widgets, Criteo and iLike, already offer contextual widgets for retail and music suggestions, respectively. There is also the potential to put ads inside widgets and showcase certain advertising as the widget. Marketers including VW, Nike, Target and UPS have created branded widgets, with others such as Woot and ChipIn creating transactional ones. The NBA recently got in the game with an aggressive widget-marketing strategy, unleashing widgets for each of its roughly 350 players”

Iata widgetul dragut cu iepure al lui VW aici.
Belea, vorba lu’ Victor!

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